Indian Silver Cuff with Repouseed Elephants by Bhagwan Das Soni of Jaisamer, India, purchased at a Fowler Museum trunk show by Patrick Benesh-Liu for his mother.
Bhagwan Das Soni
Bhagwan Das Soni, along with another Indian silversmith, came to the Fowler Museum trunk show in connection with an exhibition of Indian jewelry, “Enduring Splendor: Jewelry of India's Thar Desert,” which featured the collection of Ronald and Maxine Linde. This exhibit included the work of four contemporary Indian goldsmiths, who are called soni, although their work in the exhibition was made of silver. My mother loved elephants; our family used to be a big fan of Babar the Elephant back when I was a child. This was another purchase made at a Fowler Museum trunk show.
Relevant Reading
Ornament Magazine Vol. 39.5, 2017 (Pg. 18-19, 44-51)